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Internships with Iracambi

Iracambi is a nonprofit organization working on the frontline of biodiversity conservation and sustainability. Located in a global biodiversity hotspot, Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, they run a range of projects in agroforestry, reforestation, medicinal plants, forest monitoring, as well as community outreach and environmental education.

Active since 1999, they have already made a huge impact on biodiversity & sustainability and impacted the lives of thousands of people in the region. The organization has planted over 165,000 native forest trees, founded the first program of environmental education in the region, set up the first web-based Geographic Information System, and created thousands of acres of protected areas. They’ve also hosted 2000 students, researchers, volunteers, and interns from 67 countries. Their alumni can be found across the world in academia, business, the arts, government, and international organizations.

girl with millipede on her hand

Open for applications

Rainforest Conservation Research Internship

  • Min. 8 weeks
  • Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, Brazil
  • Research, Data Analysis, Community Outreach, Conservation, Reporting
Travel to Brazil and study the flora and fauna of the Atlantic Rainforest.
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a woman planting

Open for applications

Biodiversity Conservation Internship

  • Min. 8 weeks
  • Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, Brazil
  • Research, Reforestation, Conservation, Monitoring
Help reverse the climate crisis by restoring the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest.
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